Online Resources

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A searchable collection of billions of historical records from the USA and other countries. Get access to census and military records, birth, marriage and death records, and immigration records. Available at public computers at all Brooklyn Public Library locations.

For remote access to U.S. Federal Census records, genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries, Census data, slave schedules, maps, local history books and articles, and more, please visit our HeritageQuest resource.

Only in library branches


JSTOR offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journals, books, and primary sources as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The material available spans many disciplines in the arts, sciences, and humanities.

When browsing or searching, you may find locked content. We apologize that some content is not available via Brooklyn Public Library's subscription. 

Only in library branches

MarciveWeb DOCS

Searchable catalog of U.S. government publications from July 1976 - present. Access to Congressional Research Service reports that are in the public domain.  

Only in library branches

New York Apartment Law Insider

Provides information for owners and managers of residential real estate, covering topics like rent stabilization, rent control, building maintenance requirements, and correction of code violations. (This resource is accessible via username and password at the Central Library.  See a librarian.)

Only at Central Library

New York Landlord v Tenant Online

Provides landlord-tenant court decisions as far back as 1993, including cases from the NYC Civil Court, NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), and NYC Environmental Control Board.  (This resource is accessible via username and password at the Central Library.  See a librarian.)

Only at Central Library