Blog posts by Jessica

Back to PreSchool

Jessica Coordinator of Early Literacy ProgramsCoordinator of Early Literacy Programs

Picture Books for Babies, Toddlers, and PreSchoolers The back to school aisle at the drugstore still thrills me.  I don’t think I am alone.  There is a back-to-school fever out there in consumer-land: mix-and-match clothing sets, colorful school supplies (I still have my rainbow hearts Trapper Keeper), mom-blogs filled with healthy lunch recipes, and parent facebook groups with 100+thread discussions on finding the best bento-box snack container!  

My one year old daughter reading books with…

Outside in the City

Jessica Coordinator of Early Literacy ProgramsCoordinator of Early Literacy Programs

Early Literacy Nature Explorations for Children 0-5 When I was growing up, I remember my mother saying “If children are cranky, you should put them in water.” This sensory version of a timeout now makes perfect sense to me after years of teaching and parenting two children under 4.  Nothing resets a tired, frustrated, or bored child like some good old fashioned sensory play.  But did you know that sensory play in nature (think mudpies), improves attention, helps us organize and release thoughts and emotions, inspires language development, and even makes us smarter (and happier!)…